Dope minds shop alike

About Me

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Why Reviews?

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The Dopest is a brand new, tell it like it is, review site. I will be reviewing hundreds of items: including but not limited to; books, movies, clothing, products, websites, apps, music and more. The dopest items will prevail. The worst ones will be tossed. No one will be spared, all brutally honest reviews and some mildly entertaining commentary to compliment it.

Need a great movie to watch, new music, or a fun app? Fret not, as I removed the pain of disappointment from your life, by being the genuine pig. No leather Join me, as I weed out the garbage for you and save you from wasting money.

Dope minds shop alike…

Everything creative excites me. I admire creativity, originality, ingenuity, thought, and passion poured into art, a composition or a product. I love reviewing products because I love helping people. No one wants to waste their money on garbage, and what better way to help?

Don’t want to gamble on a product, I’ll review it for you.

I’ll waste the money, so you don’t have to. And make sure to have fun while doing it.

Product Reviews

902 Ink by thedopestreviews.coms

I receive new products daily. These products include electronics, gadgets, unique items and dope inventions.

Food Reviews

Agave by

I love food, duh. Depend on us to eat our way into your lives, as it’s our favorite thing to do. I travel place to place and cook, so you get the best of both.

Movie Reviews

No country for old men by

My binge addictions are your benefit. Need a scary movie for Halloween, a true thriller, rom com for date night or a kid friendly flick? I got you covered.

Clothing Reviews

Mens pants by

I’m not a fashionista or trendsetter. I’ve even committed a faux pas or two in the last month but at least we’re honest. Still, I need clothes and the ones I’ve bought are here.

Music Reviews

The great adventures of SlickRick by

I know dope music. Blues, R&B, HipHop, you name it. My music playlist consists of the dopest sounds you haven’t heard from every genre of music.

Book Reviews

books by

A book a day keeps the fallacies at bay. There’s only one cure for ignorance. The best reads can be found here. I look forward to adding to this list. Remember, reading is lit(erature)!

“My plan was to combine my passion with something I’m good at. was the perfect marriage of the two and I hope this love last a lifetime.”

M. Jai

Founder, TDR

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